Thursday, 14 June 2007


It seems as soon as I start a blog about television I seem to stop watching so much of it. I thought this would allow an acceptable guilt-free way of enjoying television and creating an occupation out of it. However, something went a little wrong.

I think a bit of a Big Brother lowdown is in order. It won't take long as I've barely seen it this year.

I am one of those suckers who loves Big Brother. I like to think of it in psychological, social experiment terms in order to make myself feel a little less ashamed of this fact. But in reality, it's fascinating just for the characters, the egos, the disgusting love stories which involve about as much romance and sentiment as watching two intoxicated individuals eat face at All Bar One on a Saturday night. I love it for its shere absurdity yet this year, two weeks in, I'm hard pushed to form those all-important imaginary relationships which have served me for the past seven summers.

It may be because I only watched the opening night, then proceeded to go out and have real fun with real people on other nights, or it may be because it's excrutiatingly dull this year, i'm not sure which it is. The launch show was interesting to say the least, a house taken up mostly by the same girl. Though what has developed are some stark differences but no real characters. Charley obviously is a fiesty little one who talks so fast I find myself dizzy and out-of-breath every time. I'm desperately glad she's not up for eviction because really, where would we be?

My biggest problem with Big Brother is the voting public, surely the beauty of watching Big Brother is the extreme Pleasure/Pain sensation. At times you want to rip out your own eyeballs whilst crawling naked over a thickly lain bed of broken glass because you despise the characters so much and you watch them destroying everyone else, destroying themselves and their own life, creating a reputation for themselves that no tabloid journalist will ever let them shake off. But no, it can't happen, because the public are pussies, they just can't take the pain.

I'm not even sure there is much else to discuss, there's no point in rehashing the 'race rows' (of which I'm not sure there were any, i mean, it wasn't exactly balanced, it was more of a knockout sucker punch) We all have our opinions and some have their conspiracy theories. The less said about all of them the better. We could also discuss the blossoming romance between Ziggy and Chanelle but I'd like to nod back to my previous point concerning a certain type of bar, on a certain night of the week.

There is the two new lads of course, though I've barely watched the show this week, much like I barely watched the show last week. Have there even been any fun interesting tasks? What happened to the person who created the inspired 'box-task' of Big Brother 6. Science and Kamal in a ferocious verbal battle exchanging words like:'you shut up!' 'No, you shut up' 'you shut up' 'you shut up', all beautifully edited. Bring those creative minds back, give us some entertaining tasks...though admittedly that could have happened, I could have just missed them.

I am looking forward to seeing more of Gerry, a researcher; so he's intelligent, but wonderfully camp and sounds very much like Nadia, who has to be my favourite BB winner of all time. It is in fact rare that I agree with their choice of winner, I was certainly in Glyn camp last year over Pete who bored me to shreds by the end of the series. I watched a live segment the night they entered of him discussing 1984 and the real 'big brother' with the twins, it was so sweet to watch, he wasn't being patronising in any way, he was genuinely trying to discuss it with them and they were interested in what he had to say. Beautiful. I'm glad they got to nominate this week, I like them, in all their innocence.

I also like, what I've seen of, Nicky, she smokes, she moans, she barely smiles and I love her. There's no reason to be all chipper all the time now is there? She's diplomatic, she's intelligent and seemingly not the usual Big Brother candidate, well done to them. Equally, I miss Lesley dearly. I'm disappointed in both Carol and Tracey and I'm yet to form an opinion on Seany those his Irish/Muslim comparisonintrigued me enough to give him a chance. Let's just forget about the 7" vinyl/CD necklace he wore on the first night for now, it's not worth dwelling on the rave.

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